Iddo Netanyahu
Iddo Netanyahu

Iddo Netanyahu, Yoni’s youngest brother, is an Israeli physician, author, and playwright. He was born in Jerusalem and spent much of his childhood in the USA. In 1973 he suspended his college studies at Cornell University and returned home to Israel to serve in the Israel Defence Force during the Yom Kippur War.

Like his brothers Yoni and Benyamin (Bibi, former Israeli Prime Minister) he served in the Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s special forces unit from 1970 – 1976. He received his M.D from Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Medicine and did postdoctoral training at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington D.C. and Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

He currently works part-time as a radiographer while dedicating the balance of his time to writing and has had his novels and plays published in many languages including Hebrew, English, Russian, Chinese, and Italian.

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