3D Painting on Glass Jerusalem Prayer Gift Collection White Frame
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SKU: JPW-622-1 / Availability: Out Of Stock /

This colorful and fantastical depiction of Jerusalem touches on the simple sacredness of prayer. Letters float in the air around the Heavenly Temple we build through acts of kindness.
According to Jewish tradition, when Jacob dreamed of a ladder reaching to the Heavens he was sleeping on the site of the future Holy Temple.

  • This painting serves as a reminder of the power within each of us to Connect.
    Size: 22.8*27.9 cm white frame
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  • handmade

3D Painting on Glass Jerusalem Prayer Gift Collection White Frame

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SKU: JPW-622-1 / Availability: Out Of Stock /
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3D Painting on Glass Jerusalem Prayer Gift Collection White Frame
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Meet the Producer
Jean-Pierre Weill
Jean-Pierre Weill

French-born artist, Jean-Pierre Weill established his art business in 1992 as a way to support his growing family. When he moved to Israel from the USA, he established his studio in the Judean settlement, Tekoa, which is south of Jerusalem and northeast of Hevron.

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