Israel for Perplexed Beginners
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SKU: GP-99604 / Availability: In Stock /

In his third book of Israel for Beginners series, the author again uses his personal experience to highlight the challenges of non-natives (about 40 percent of the Israeli population) as they negotiate life in their adoptive country.

Through a collection of insightful essays, Israelis are once again wittily “explained” to prospective immigrants, new immigrants, and the public at large. Israel for Perplexed Beginners is an enjoyable read for newcomers and old-timers alike.

Learn more about: 

  • Sabras: like cactus pears to which they are often compared, the Israeli natives display a spiny exterior concealing a tender, sweet core.
  • Israeli technology’s great advancement in the last decades: it has apparently been produced by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.
  • Desalination: from Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee, the ability of Jews to perform miracles with water has been legendary.
  • Paperback
  • 104 pages
  • Humorous, accurate observations of everyday life in Israel
  • Comical illustrations
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Israel for Perplexed Beginners

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SKU: GP-99604 / Availability: In Stock /
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Israel for Perplexed Beginners
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Meet the Producer
Angelo Colorni
Angelo Colorni

About the Author:

Angelo Colorni was born in Mantua, Italy, in 1947. In 1973, he moved to Israel. Fascinated by the Israelis, he has been studying the species in its natural habitat ever since. A marine biologist and senior scientist at the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National Center for Mariculture in Eilat, he is the author of numerous research works on diseases of aquatic organisms published in prestigious scientific journals. Married to an American wife, he sees himself as an Italian Israeli, his two children as Italo-American Israelis, and his grandchildren as Israeli Israelis.

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