Shema Israel with Star of David
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SKU: CJ-18014 / Availability: Out Of Stock /

The Shema prayer is the centerpiece of the daily morning and evening prayer services and is considered to be the essential prayer in Judaism as it proclaims and affirms God’s singularity. Religiously observant Jews consider it a commandment for all Jews to recite this affirmation twice daily.

This beautiful pendant features the opening line from the Shema prayer, “Hear O’ Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.” (It should be noted that the name of God is not spelled out on the jewelry, rather an abbreviation so that it may be worn in all circumstances)

Sitting just above the circle featuring the Shema is a modest Star of David. The Star of David, called the Magen David (Shield of David) in Israel is the enduring symbol of the Jewish people and the land of Israel. From the time that King David carried a shield with this symbol it has come to personify the strength of the Jewish people.

Today, all around the world, this symbol is worn by Jews who are reflecting their faith with pride, and non-Jews who love the people and land of Israel and are proud to display their support publicly.

  • 925 Silver
  • Comes with a silver oval link chain
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Shema Israel with Star of David

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SKU: CJ-18014 / Availability: Out Of Stock /
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Shema Israel with Star of David
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Meet the Producer
Cinnamon Jewelry

Cinamon Jewelry is a much loved Israeli company that curates a collection of wearable, meaningful jewelry pieces.

Inspired by the rich Jewish tradition they craft items that are reflective of their deep spiritual connection to Torah and also items that reflect their deep roots in the Holy Land.

You will find reflections of the Holy City of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel with references to important prayers and quotes from the book of Psalms. Each piece of jewelry is more that simply a beautiful adornment, but rather, a touchstone that will connect the wearer to the land of Israel and to their faith.

Many of the pendants are suitable for both men and women. For men who prefer a slightly more rugged look the chain may be replaced with a cord of leather.

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