Setting himself the task of helping each individual penetrate the Torah to make the text his/her very own, Rabbi Feder has drawn upon sources from the Jewish past – halakhic and aggadic midrashim, and the medieval, modern, and contemporary Bible interpreters – as well as contemporary authors to provide fresh insights into Torah, from familiar biblical figures to concepts in Judaism.
Topics such as moral responsibility, Jewish peoplehood, the Synagogue, and humility come under new light within the framework of the traditional. Masterfully written, this book presents the challenge to Diaspora and Israeli Jews living in the era following the national resurrection of Israel to experience listening to the Torah in the light of such renewal.
For people living in the Diaspora, listening to Torah must be hearing a Zionist call. For people living in contemporary Israel listening to Torah is also hearing a Zionist call for a Judaism with a renewed Torah that is a beam of spiritual, moral, political, and cultural light.
Readers of this volume will gain Torah knowledge vitally relevant to our time and to their own lives.
- Two volumes
- Hard Cover
- Total Page Count: 664
About the author
Avraham H. Feder is rabbi emeritus of Beit Knesset Moreshet Yisrael in Jerusalem and rabbi-emeritus and senior-scholar of Beth Tikvah Synagogue in Toronto, Canada. A consultant in the field of moral education in Israel and Canada, he has published In Search of my Brothers, on Jewish education and moral values as well as numerous writing on similar topics.
Prior to his aliyah in 1981, he served as rabbi and cantor for many years in North America. He received rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education from the University of Toronto, and holds Master’s Degrees in Hebrew Literature and in Sacred Music.
Rabbi Feder has lectured and concretized widely in the United States, Canada, and Israel. He has served as president of the Rabbinical Assembly of Israel and is a recipient of the Menachem Begin Prime Minister’s Medal from Bar-Ilan University.
Torah Through a Zionist Vision – Two volume set

Gefen Publishing House is located in Jerusalem. It was founded in 1981 by Murray and Hana Greenfield. The Greenfields wanted to establish a printing house that would allow them the opportunity to tell the stories so important to the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
The enterprise is a family-run business, with their son Ilan as the current CEO. The publishing house prints approximately 40 titles a year specializing in English language books of Jewish and Israeli interest. Their books cover a wide variety of topics from Torah-related texts, Jewish history, fiction, children’s books, and more.