Noah’s Ark Wooden Puzzle
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SKU: TD-7035 / Availability: In Stock /

In the book of Genesis, we meet Noah and learn about the epic flood that covered the entire world. With this beautifully crafted wooden puzzle, you have the opportunity to engage your children playfully while also teaching them the basic facts about Noah and his ark.

The puzzle kit contains multiple pieces that each reveal an interesting fact about Noah, the construction of the ark, the variety of animals who were saved by being taken aboard the ark.

The puzzle is fun for children of all ages, but not recommended for children under 3

  • 29×20 cm / 11.6×8.2 inches


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Noah’s Ark Wooden Puzzle

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SKU: TD-7035 / Availability: In Stock /
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Noah’s Ark Wooden Puzzle
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Touchwoodesign is an innovative, Jerusalem-based design company that makes unique laser-cut wood products. It is owned and operated by lifetime friends Ofir Barouchi and Assaf Goldstein.

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